Amnesty International suspends Israel branch for 2 years
Amnesty Israel denies claims that it is conducting itself in a racist manner towards Palestinians, a reason given by the larger organization for the suspension
i24NEWS has learned on Tuesday from a source inside Amnesty Israel that their branch has been suspended for two years.
Amnesty Israel was given two reasons from Amnesty International for the suspension: first, the branch conducts itself in a racist manner against Palestinians; second, the reports and messaging coming from Amnesty Israel do not align with Amnesty International.
There are several disagreements between the two sides, the source said. Amnesty International has targeted Amnesty Israel for being vocal about disagreements and not conforming to what is being presented in London, where the organization is based.
The source denies allegations of racism toward Palestinians, saying that there are internal mechanisms in place that consult with Palestinian and Jewish staffers on the organization's output. Amnesty Israel has also been dissatisfied with the lack of emphasis placed on Israeli victims by the broader organization, which has contributed to the friction.