- i24NEWS
- Terms of service
Terms of service
Registered in the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number B 174 257, with a share capital of 40 000, whose head office is situated in Luxembourg 5, rue Eugène Ruppert, L-2456, Luxembourg, legally represented by, M. Frank Melloul and M. Michael Grau.
Contact: Patrick COHEN-ARAZI CFO
Phone: 00 972 (0)77 24 24 244
Email: contact@i24news.tv
Publication director:
Frank Melloul
Microsoft Azure Cloud
Immatriculé au RCS de Nantes sous le n° B 511 973 067, au capital social de 3 000,00 €, dont le siége social est situé 11 RUE KERVEGAN 44000 NANTES, France.
Site : www.knplabs.com
© I24news 2021. All rights reserved.
Please read the following Terms Of Use attentively before using this site and keep them for future reference
The User hereby agreeing to be legally bound by the following Terms Of Use (herein referred to as ”TOF”) and the I24NEWS SARL Policy of Personal Data as an integral part of the TOF.
I24NEWS SARL TOF and Policy of Personal Data intend to define the rights and obligations of users to access and use the "i24news.tv" site (hereinafter "the Site").
I24NEWS SARL TOF and Policy on Personal Data are directly consultable by the Users on the Site in the dedicated rubrics "Legal Mentions and General Conditions of Use" and "Policy of Personal Data".
By accessing and using the Site, the User entails its express acceptance, without restrictions or reserves of the entire provisions of the I24NEWS TOF and Policy on Personal Data.
The User acknowledges and accepts that I24NEWS TOF and Policy on Personal Data have a contractual value and are fully opposable to them when accessing the Site and throughout the duration of visit and the use of the Site.
By using the Site of I24NEWS SARL, the User certifies that he is over 18 years old and is legally able to contract with I24NEWS SARL. The use of the Site by a minor person is only possible under the control of the holder of the parental authority who will be (i) solely responsible for all minor’s acts on the Site, (ii) acknowledges having read the TOF and, (iii) accepts the TOF without reservation.
In refusing to agree to be bound by the TOS and the Privacy Policy and/or to fulfill the legal capacity requirements set forth above, the User commits to not access or use the Site. In any event, any use prohibited by the provisions set out in those contractual acts is strictly prohibited and may, where appropriate, be subject to sanctions provided by law.
I24NEWS SARL is under Luxembourg law, publishes and broadcasts on any medium (tv, computer) and on mobile application, in English, Arabic and French:
- a 24 hour news channel “I24NEWS” distributed worldwide in those three languages;
- the Site of information accessible at the following URL: http://www.i24news.tv (in French), http://www.i24news.tv/ar (in Arabic), http: //www.i24news.tv/en (in English).
The Site provides the User with a free online information service to the public whith articles, photographs, and videos of the I24NEWS channel, on live or replay.
The User is free to register a Personal Account in order to be able to comment on the Publications of the Site.
Content : refers to without limitation, editorial content, all audiovisual, textual, audio, graphic, typographic and photographic elements, software, databases, applications, still and animated images, available on the Site, and in particular the audiovisual contents of the I24NEWS channel on live or in rebroadcast, by means of Player.
Personal Account: private space of each User registered on the Site, accessible at this address: http://www.i24news.tv/fr/register/ from which Users inform, consult and modify their personal information.
Player: broadcasting medium for video, audio and photo content.
Publication(s): refers to the editing, posting and distribution of Content on the Site by I24NEWS.
Service: refers to all the Online Services offered by I24NEWS and to which Users may access from the Site. .
Site: refers to the online media service available at the URL: http://www.i24news.tv/en, http://www.i24news.tv/fen, http://www.i24news.tv/ar created by I24NEWS editing Content for Users.
Third-party services: refer to the services published by third party partners accessible on and/or from the Site, from dedicated spaces and/or hypertext links present on the Site.
User: refers any natural or legal person governed by private or public law, irrespective of its nationality and its methods of connection to the Site, accessing, visiting and using the Site with access to the Contents and having the right to register a Personal Account.
User login: refers to the access code and password chosen by the User during the Personal Account registration.
3.1 Registration
By accessing to the Site, the User is invited to register, free of charge, a Personal Account in order to be able to comment on the Contents published on the Site.
The registration form is available on the Site: http://www.i24news.tv/en/register/
- By filling in the fields of the registration form available on the Site;
- By checking the box "I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions";
- And confirming its registration after receiving the registration validation e-mail sent by the Site.
In the registration form, the User must fill in personal information, such as : surname, first name(s), pseudonym, language, country, e-mail address, login password. It will also have to choose to subscribe or not to the newsletter or the partners offers.
If the User is a legal person, under private law, public law, foreign law and/or French law, the registration is made by his legal representative duly authorized for this purpose.
The User undertakes to provide accurate, complete, sincere and updated information and, if necessary, to modify and update the information regularly, on the Personal Account, in the event of any change in compliance with the Policy of Personal data. The User undertakes to provide a correct e-mail address, in order to receive the registration confirmation by e-mail.
The choice of a pseudonym must comply with the TOF and do not infringe I24NEWS SARL rights or of any third parties.
After completing the registration form, the Site will send to the User an e-mail on the e-mail address filled to confirm the registration. The e-mail reminds the User of its User Login.
Upon receipt of the e-mail and after confirmation of its registration on the Site, the User accesses his Personal Account with its User Login.
Each User is solely responsible for, the preservation and the confidentiality of the User Login and the information transmitted on the Personal Account. The use of the Personal Account is reserved for the personal use of each User.
3.2 Unsubscription
Any User may unsubscribe freely at any time from the Personal Account.
I24NEWS SARL reserves the right to deactivate and delete the Personal Account of the User concerned after sending a notification by e-mail fifteen (15) days before the deactivation, for any objective and justified reason.
I24NEWS SARL grants to the User a license of personal use of the Site and its Services, revocable, nontransferable, non-transferable, non-exclusive and free to consult for private and non-commercial use Services and Contents.
The User, whether or not registered on the Site, agrees to:
- respect the TOF and the Policy of Personal Data during the time of its visits, access and use of the Site;
- not use software or processes intended to download, copy, distribute or reuse all or part of the Site, its Contents and Services;
- not alter, modify or create derivative works from any component of the Site, its Contents and Services;
- not interfere with the proper functioning of the Site in any way whatsoever and in particular not to commit any act likely to compromise the computer security of the Site and not to interfere or interrupt the normal functioning of the Site and use of the Site by other Users;
- accept the characteristics and limits of connections to the Internet, the technical performance of the Internet, and in particular to recognize that the use of the Site is at its own risk. The accessibility and availability of the Site may be limited in particular in accordance with Article 13 "Free access to the Site and availability";
- not collect information on third parties, including e-mail addresses, in order to use them to send commercial solicitations or equivalent;
- to inform the Site as soon as it becomes aware of piracy and any unlawful use of the Site, its Contents and Services, and in particular by the reporting procedure as provided for in Article 8 ;
- be solely responsible for its use of the Site and the Personal Account, the Site not ensures the use or the consequences of their use;
- be solely responsible for the content and legality of its published and edited comments, the Site being a simple host of User’s comments which are not checked before their publication on the Site;
- not put on the Site addresses or hyperlinks referring to third party sites whose content would be contrary to the laws and regulations in force, which would infringe the rights of third parties or which would be contrary to the TOF;
- create only one Personal Account, and not create aliases or derivative accounts with its identity or the identity of a third party;
- to ensure the security and confidentiality of its User Login;
- not encourage, or assist any third party in performing the above-mentioned acts or any other illegal acts or contrary to the TOF and the Policy of Personal Data.
6.1 I24NEWS SARL as an information media aims to provide as possible, an objective, exhaustive and verified information, in compliance with professional ethics and deontology in order to publish contradictory information, to obtain relevant information, and to clearly state the use, in all or Information previously published on other media, while protecting its sources.
However, I24NEWS SARL can not be held liable for errors, omissions or unavailability of certain information. Users of the Site may indicate any omissions, errors or corrections by sending an e-mail to the webmaster of the Site at the address contact@i24news.tv.
6.2 In accordance with the provisions of the LCEN of June 21, 2004 and of article 93.3 of the Law n ° 82-652 of 29th July 1982 on audiovisual communication, I24NEWS SARL as the host of the comments published by the Users, is not responsible for their content and legality since I24NEWS SARL has no editorial activity on their content.
6.3 I24NEWS SARL endeavors to maintain the security and proper functioning of the Site, but can not guarantee continuous and secure access to the Site. Consequently, I24NEWS SARL will not be responsible for the difficulties of access, interruption, temporary impossibilities of access to the Site, malfunctions, bugs or blockages due to the disturbances of the telecommunication network, to operations of maintenance or updates or d Necessary technical improvements.
6.4 I24NEWS SARL shall not be liable for any errors, piracy, virus intrusion, identity theft and/or any direct or indirect damage suffered by the User, his computer equipment and his network, which may occur during the access, visit or use the Site.
6.5 I24NEWS SARL reserves the right to host and post on all pages of the Site advertising or promotional messages, advertorials, sponsorships, brand content, short promotional programs duly identified as such and published by any advertisers of its choice , without its responsibility being sought both on their content and on their putting on line.
7.1 Rules of good conduct
I24NEWS SARL provides the possibility to comment its Contents to create a space of exchange which has to be use with, decency, courtesy and respect of others. Any excesses of anger, devalorization of others has to be avoid.
I24NEWS SARL offers to any User with prior registration the right to comment on the Contents to create a space of exchange which has to be use with, decency, courtesy and respect of others. Any excesses of anger, devalorization of others has to be avoid, and any unlawful violation by means of remarks, images, videos, hyperlinked, badly spelled and voluntarily aggressive or violent.
7.2 The User warrants that any published comment will be in compliance with the law, regulations and usage applicable to the rights of I24NEWS SARL, as well as to the rights of third parties.
7.3 The User agrees irrevocably that its comments:
- do not contain content that may violate any laws or regulations;
- are not considered as an act of infringement, unfair competition and/or parasitic action, and/or do not incorporate any element that can be considered as such;
- do not violate or impair the personality rights of a third party, such as the image right, identity right of the person and other attributes of the personality or the privacy;
- do not violate or infringe the integrity or honor of any person and are not liable to be considered defamatory, abusive, constitutive of denigration or as a violation of the right to the presumption of innocence;
- do not violate or harm public order or morals, such as shocking, violent or inciting violence, hatred, discrimination, act of terrorism, dangerous or reprehensible acts that may result in serious injury or death, pedophilic or pornographic content; or infringing the protection of children, or reconsidering the existence of one or more crimes against humanity under the conditions provided for in Article 24 bis of the Act of 29 July 1881 on freedom of press;
- are not liable to engage the responsibility of I24NEWS SARL by proposing hypertext links referring to illicit contents or of which the User is not authorized to point them and to make any indirect use thereof.
The User acknowledges being the sole copyright holder of the published comments and as such, guarantees I24NEWS SARL against any recourse and/or actions brought by any person as a result of the dissemination of its comments on the Site.
The User is solely responsible for the content and legality of the comments, information from the comments, as I24NEWS has no control over these comments.
I24NEWS SARL reserves the right to delete any comments it deems unlawful or contrary to the TOF, in particular through the content reporting procedure provided for in Article 8 of the TOF.
Under the applicable legal provisions and in particular Article 6.I.7 of the Law on Confidence in the Digital Economy of 21 June 2004, any person may report at any time the publication on the Site of any disputed message of which it is aware, in particular those relating to the offenses referred to:
- the defense of voluntary abuses, voluntary attacks on the integrity of the person and aggression, crimes against humanity or crimes of collaboration with the enemy; the provocation or apology of terrorist acts; seditious or sings in public places or meetings; the provocation of discrimination, hatred or violence against a person or a group of persons on account of their origin or their membership or non-membership of an ethnic group, nation, race or religion; the provocation of hatred or violence against a person or a group of persons on account of their sex, sexual orientation or disability;( 5th, 7th, 8th paragraphs of article 24 of the law of 29 July 1881)
- broadcast the image or representation of a minor when that image or representation is pornographic; release by any means whatsoever and in any medium whatsoever a violent message, inciting to terrorism, pornography or undermine human dignity or incite minors to violent games; the provocation or the apology of acts of terrorism (Articles 227-23, 227-24 and 421-2-5 of the Criminal Code)
To report the illicit or abusive content, the User can use a form accessible to this address: http://www.i24news.tv/fr/contact
The report must include:
- the notification date,
- if the notifier is a natural person: his surnames, family name, occupation, address, nationality, date and place of birth; if the notifier is a legal person: its social form, name, registered office and the legal representative;
- the name and registered office of the recipient,
- a description of the facts in dispute and their precise location (ie, of the contested Content and its location on the Site, via the URL address);
- the reasons for withdrawing the Content, including the legal provisions and the justification of the facts.
I24NEWS SARL has no obligation to withdraw the content when the formality of the notification is not respected.
For all intents and purposes, under article 6 I-4 of Law n° 2004-575 of 21 June 2004, it is recalled that the fact, for any person, of to report an activity as illegal in order to obtain its withdrawal or to stop its diffusion, while she knows it is an inaccurate information, shall be punished by one year's imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros.
Upon receipt of the notification, I24NEWS SARL undertakes to promptly remove from the Site the Content(s) reported or to make the access impossible it if the conditions of illegality are met or on judicial requisition.
In accordance with Article 6-IV of Law n° 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 and Decree n ° 2007-1527 of 24 October 2007, any natural or legal person appointed or designated on the Site may, shall be grants of this right if the conditions are met.
To exercise the right of reply, the natural or legal person must send his request for exercise of right of reply in writing to the attention of the Publisher of the Site and attach to his request the text of his answer.
A formalism must be complied as follow:
The request must be sent three months following the online release of the disputed message;
The request must contain the exact references of the message (including URL address, title, date), its conditions of access on the Site and, if mentioned, the name of its author.
The drafting of the right of reply must comply with legal requirements and in particular:
- be limited to the length of the article which caused it, not to mention the address, the greetings, the requisitions and the signature;
- is limited to a maximum of fifty lines (for any article of lesser length) to two hundred lines (for any article of a longer length);
- is in conformity with the applicable law, public order and good morals;
- is not contrary to the interests of third parties;
- does not affect the honor of the journalist.
I24NEWS SARL undertakes that the reply shall be inserted within three days of the receipt of the request, under similar conditions of the disputed message and presented as resulting from the exercise of the right of reply.
I24NEWS SARL reserves the right in any event to publish subsequently any comment on the reply that will be published.
It should be noted that the request is not valid when the User is able to formulate directly the observations (for example, if the message is published in the comments).
It should be noted that once the User will be able to formulate directly the observations (for example, if the message is published in the comments), I24NEWS SARL is not responsible for the insertion of the right of reply, being under no obligation in this case.
10.1 I24News is a worldwide protected trademark, as well as the domain name "i24news.tv".
The published Content on the Site belongs to I24NEWS SARL and is protected by the intellectual property law, regulations in force and the applicable international conventions.
The general structure of the Site, its Content, Services and all other component, including, in particular, channel programs that are visible on-line or offline, all texts, graphics, logos, company names, trade names, designations, tabs, features, images, illustrations, sounds, photographic data and any other material or software are protected by intellectual property law and are the exclusive property of I24NEW SARL.
Any reproduction, representation and adaptation in whole or in part of the Site and/or any of its Contents and Services is formally prohibited and can be prosecuted for the user's expenses and convictions that violate these provisions.
Users may not extract or re-use, qualitatively or quantitatively substantial or otherwise, the data bases and archives constituted by the Site, its Contents and Services, copy all or part of the Site to another site without the prior written permission of I24NEW SARL.
The present TOF does not imply the transfer of any intellectual property right for the benefit of the User either on the structure or on the Contents of the Site, its Services and the I24NEWS application.
10.2 Content Agence France Presse (AFP)
The pages on the Site, where "AFP" appears, contain reproduced information that is protected by intellectual property rights held by AFP. Consequently, none of this information may be reproduced, modified, redistributed, translated, exploited commercially or reused in any way without the prior written consent of AFP. AFP can not be held responsible for delays, errors, omissions that can not be excluded, nor the consequences of the actions or transactions carried out on the basis of this information.
10.3 Hyperlinks
Furthermore, Users may not create or introduce, without prior authorization from I24NEW SARL, any hypertext link referring to the Site and using in particular the following techniques:
a. The ” framing” defined as a technique to insert, without leaving the original site, a page of the Site which appears in a frame of the original web page;
b. The "deep-linking" defined as the insertion of a hypertext link referring to a secondary page of the Site;
c. The "Inline linking" defined as a hypertext link to include in the original web page an image from another web page;
d. and more generally any other techniques, cookies, plotters.
10.4 In accordance with applicable intellectual property laws and applicable international conventions, only copies or reproductions strictly reserved for private use of the copyist and not intended for collective use are permitted on a non-exclusive basis, or mercantile.
Users have only a right to access the Site and its Contents for their personal use without ever claiming any tangible or intangible property rights.
i24NEWS SARL offers Players to view the published Contents and in particular the programs of the I24NEWS channel, in rebroadcast or live programs.
The Player is the reserved property of I24NEWS SARL and, unless otherwise agreed by I24NEWS SARL, the video content may only be exported for personal and non-commercial use.
The use of the Players is exclusively on a personal and non-commercial basis. It is therefore prohibited for Users to reproduce, copy, sell, resell, modify, exchange or exploit for any commercial purpose or for any remuneration, benefit or advantage, direct or indirect, all or any of the Players, any use of the Players, or All right to access the Players.
I24NEW SARL informs the Users that it collects and processes their personal data in the conditions stipulated by the Policy of Personal Data in compliance with the French and Community regulations applicable.
Any User may access to this Policy by clicking here: https://www.i24news.tv/en/privacy-policy
The Site is in principle accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except for planned or unplanned interruption for the maintenance of the Site and in case of force majeure.
I24NEW SARL reserves the right, however, to bring to the Site all modifications and improvements necessary for technical progress or to temporarily suspend access to the Site to ensure maintenance operations related to the technical evolutions or necessary for the continuity of the Site .
I24NEWS SARL may modify the TOF and the Policy of Personal Data at any time to update them with legislative and regulatory changes or to modify the functionality of the Site.
In the event of changes, the modified version of the TOF and the Policy of Personal Data will be published on the Site, and I24NEWS SARL undertakes to make its best efforts to inform the Users registered on the Site, by e-mail of such changes.
Any modification will be effective as of its publication on the Site. The access and use of the Site after the implementation of modifications entails full and complete acknowledgment and acceptance by the User of the TOF as amended.
15.1 The TOF and the Policy of Personal Data represent the entire agreement between I24NEWS SARL and the Users and supersede any verbal or written agreements of any kind that may have been made between them beforehand.
15.2 The TOF may not be considered either as constituting a de facto company, founded in fact, in participation or collective, or employment contract worth, so that each party is held one against the other or against third parties, only within the strict limits of the obligations subscribed respectively under the TOF and subject to the fulfillment by each of them of the commitments entered into hereunder.
15.3 In case of difficulty of interpretation between any of the titles at the head of the clauses and any of the clauses, the titles will be declared non-existent.
15.4 If one or any provision of the TOF held invalid or unenforceable under any law, regulation or following a decision by a final court, it shall be deemed unwritten and the other provisions shall remain applicable without change.
15.5 The TOF may not be transferred or transferred in whole or in part to a third party.
15.6 If the TOF are subject to a foreign language translation, the French language shall prevail over any other translation in case of dispute, litigation, difficulty of interpretation or execution of the TOF and generally regarding existing relationships between I24NEWS SARL and the User.
I24NEWS SARL has established partnerships with service and/or content providers and may propose to any Users information about other sites and/or services and/or services within dedicated public spaces, and/or within the Sites and/or by the presence of hypertext links to these sites and/or contents and/or services.
I24NEWS SARL can not be held responsible for the content of the Third-Party Services, nor for all offers, information consulted or transactions carried out on Third-Party Services.
The publishers of Third Party Services are solely responsible, where applicable, for compliance with all the regulations applicable to the services offered to Users, including laws and regulations relating to distance selling, protection of consumer, misleading or deceptive advertising, prices and product compliance.
I24NEWS SARL does not provide any services or guarantees regarding the Third Party Services used by the Users. In addition, I24NEWS SARL can not, in any case, be held responsible in the event of the unavailability of the Services Tiers and/or inability to access them. The same applies to the malfunctioning of Third Party Services.
The Terms Of Use are subject to French law.
Any dispute or dispute arising out of the execution and/or interpretation of the TOF shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the French courts located within the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Paris, applying French law, subject to any other legal provisions of public order provided by a foreign law which should be imposed in compliance with the rules of private international law.
The following terms and conditions shall apply to members (“Member”) of the Friends of i24NEWS club program (“Club”) and by joining you agree to be bound by these conditions:
The annual fee for a basic membership is 500 Euros per year and this is an up-front payment and will entitle you to the following:
Subscription to the i24NEWS app with Live and Replay included
Membership card
Welcome gift
Invitation to the annual i24NEWS cocktail party
Reductions on entrance tickets i24NEWS galas
Discounts on i24NEWS advertising campaigns for your company
The annual fee for a VIP membership is 1000 Euros per year and this is an up-front payment and will entitle you to the following:
Subscription to the i24NEWS app with Live and Replay included
Club membership card
Welcome gift
Invitation to the annual i24NEWS cocktail party
Reductions on entrance tickets to i24NEWS galas
Discounts on i24NEWS advertising campaigns for your company
Free invitation to an i24NEWS gala
Private tour of the i24NEWS studios in Tel Aviv in the presence of journalists and representatives of the channel with the guests of my choice.
Membership to the Club is available persons over 18 years of age.
i24NEWS events (including the cocktail party and galas) shall be held on dates and at locations solely determined by i24NEWS. Guests shall be solely responsible for all travel, accommodation and other costs incurred in relation to attendance at such events.
Membership is for a full year. In accordance with Israeli Consumer Protection Law (5741-1981) after purchasing your membership you will have a 14-day cooling off period during which you may terminate your membership by contacting: sales@i24news.tv . subject to a 7.5% cancellation fee.
We will contact you one month before your Club Membership is due to expire, in order to confirm renewal. Failure to confirm renewal or to pay the annual subscription within one month of the due date will result in the member not being admitted to the Club and the membership being terminated.
If you agreed to join the Club, you agree to receive ongoing mail and electronic mail from i24NEWS. This may include newsletters, catalogues, special promotions, email messages, sms messages etc. You may unsubscribe after your membership ends by emailing: sales@i24news.tv .
All membership benefits are personal and cannot be transferred or used by third parties. Benefits are not redeemable for cash.
i24NEWS is not responsible if your details are incorrect, outdated, or unavailable online. It is your responsibility to maintain current contact details in its membership online by emailing sales@i24news.tv.
i24NEWS reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to discontinue participation in the Club for any Member who acts or is reasonably suspected of acting in any manner which is inconsistent with or violates these Terms and Conditions.
Neither i24NEWS, nor its parent, subsidiaries or affiliated companies will be responsible for any loss, injury or damage of any kind incurred by Member or anyone else in connection with Member’s participation in the Club or any Club activities. This condition is subject to any liability which may not be lawfully excluded, in which case such liability will be limited to the fullest extent permitted by law.
These terms and conditions as well as Club benefits may change from time to time and are subject to change by i24NEWS at its absolute discretion without prior notice. A copy of the current Club terms and conditions are available at https://www.i24news.tv/en/terms-of-service . i24NEWS may announce, in a manner it deems appropriate, the cessation of the Club's activities, at its sole discretion.
The following terms and conditions shall apply to members (“Member”) of the Friends of i24NEWS club program (“Club”) and by joining you agree to be bound by these conditions:
1/ Subscription
-The annual fee for a basic membership is 500 Euros per year and this is an up-front payment and will entitle you to the following:
Subscription to the i24NEWS app with Live and Replay included.
Membership card
Welcome gift
An invitation to the annual i24NEWS cocktail party (summer 2023) in Tel Aviv.
Exclusive access to bi-monthly webinars with i24NEWS analysts.
Free tickets to concerts and shows sponsored by i24NEWS (subject to availability).
A free subscription to the i24NEWS app (live and replay).
An appearance on i24NEWS broadcast.
Discounts on entrance tickets for i24NEWS galas and events.
Discounts on i24NEWS advertising campaigns for your company.
-The annual fee for a VIP membership is 1000 Euros per year and this is an up-front payment and will entitle you to the following:
Subscription to the i24NEWS app with Live and Replay included
Club membership card
Welcome gift
An invitation to the annual i24NEWS cocktail party (summer 2023) in Tel Aviv.
Exclusive access to bi-monthly webinars with i24NEWS analysts.
A private tour of the i24NEWS studios in Tel Aviv with a journalist.
An invitation to an annual i24NEWS gala of your choice (admission + dinner).
Free tickets to concerts and shows sponsored by i24NEWS (subject to availability).
A free subscription to the i24NEWS app (live and replay).
An appearance on i24NEWS broadcast.
Discounts on entrance tickets to i24NEWS galas and events.
Discounts on i24NEWS advertising campaigns for your company.
Membership to the Club is available persons over 18 years of age.
i24NEWS events (including the cocktail party and galas) shall be held on dates and at locations solely determined by i24NEWS. Guests shall be solely responsible for all travel, accommodation and other costs incurred in relation to attendance at such events.
2/Duration of subscription and renewal
Membership is concluded for an initial period of twelve (12) months,
At the end of this initial period, the Subscription is tacitly and automatically renewed by successive periods of twelve (12) months, at the amount of the payment of the initial subscription. The renewed Subscription will be subject to the Term of used in effect on the renewal date.
An email will be sent to the Customer informing him of the renewal date at the earliest 3 months and at the latest 1 month before the end of the contract, and of the possibility offered to him not to renew it (article L. 136 -1 of the European Consumer Code)
The Customer may, however, terminate the Subscription up to one (1) month before the expiry of the current Subscription period, by email by contacting: sales@i24news..
Any termination request from the Customer will be confirmed by an email from i24NEWS. Termination will only be effective from the anniversary date of the Subscription.
In accordance with Article L215-1
Version in force since August 18, 2022
Amended by LAW n°2022-1158 of August 16, 2022 - art. 16.
3/ Miscellaneous
If you agreed to join the Club, you agree to receive ongoing mail and electronic mail from i24NEWS. This may include newsletters, catalogues, special promotions, email messages, sms messages etc. You may unsubscribe after your membership ends by emailing: sales@i24news.tv .
All membership benefits are personal and cannot be transferred or used by third parties. Benefits are not redeemable for cash.
i24NEWS is not responsible if your details are incorrect, outdated, or unavailable online. It is your responsibility to maintain current contact details in its membership online by emailing sales@i24news.tv.
i24NEWS reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to discontinue participation in the Club for any Member who acts or is reasonably suspected of acting in any manner which is inconsistent with or violates these Terms and Conditions.
Neither i24NEWS, nor its parent, subsidiaries or affiliated companies will be responsible for any loss, injury or damage of any kind incurred by Member or anyone else in connection with Member’s participation in the Club or any Club activities. This condition is subject to any liability which may not be lawfully excluded, in which case such liability will be limited to the fullest extent permitted by law.
These terms and conditions as well as Club benefits may change from time to time and are subject to change by i24NEWS at its absolute discretion without prior notice. A copy of the current Club terms and conditions are available at https://www.i24news.tv/en/terms-of-service . i24NEWS may announce, in a manner it deems appropriate, the cessation of the Club's activities, at its sole discretion.