How happy are Israelis? World rankings highlight resiliency
Israel came in the top 5 of the World Happiness Report, despite Covid, political turmoil and the October 7 attack occurring during the observed period

What's the happiest country in the world? While it may come as no surprise that Finland and its Scandinavian neighbors come out on top, Israel should be pleased with its performance.
Despite the pandemic, political turmoil, and the horrific October 7 attack taking place during the observed period, Israel was ranked fifth in the 2024 World Happiness Report (WHR).
It amounts to a drop of just one spot since the last survey. The report clarified, however, that if the ranking was based on 2023 alone, and not an average of the last 3 years, Israel would have dropped to 19th place.
Coming in the top five were Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden and Israel, respectively, who came just ahead of Netherlands and the final Scandinavian country Norway at the seventh spot. The top 10 was rounded out by Luxembourg, Switzerland and Australia.
Countries were ranked using an average of the responses and data for markers like GDP in terms of Purchasing Power Parity, healthy life expectancy, social support, freedom to make life choices, generosity (whether respondents donated to charity), and perceptions of corruption in government and business. Participants were also questioned on measures of positive and negative affect, relating to their state of emotions.

Beyond Israel's surprise hold on its high-ranking, the report also found a significant difference among young and old respondents to the survey.
In the United States and Canada, respondents aged 60 and over rated happiness at "50 or more places higher" than those under 30. However, in Central and Eastern Europe, the reverse was found, with the younger set placing happiness at "40 places higher" than older respondents.
The U.S. and Canada were in the top 25 at the respective spots of 23 and 15, ahead of Germany at 24 and France at 27, while Spain and Italy were further behind at 36 and 41.

Israel was a great outlier for the Middle East region, with Lebanon (142) and Afghanistan (143) occupying the bottom two spots. United Arab Emirates, which often ranks high for the region, was put in the 22nd spot, with Saudi Arabia coming in behind at 28. Meanwhile, the State of Palestine was ranked 103, just after Iran in 100th place.
The World Gallup Polls were conducted during 2021-2023, and based on participant's self-assessed answers to a single-item Cantril ladder life-evaluation question.