History and present meet at the Battle of Hattin
800 years after crucial medieval battle, new fight to prevent urban development in region is launched

As Americans celebrated Independence Day on July 4th, many people remained unaware of the significance of the date in the history of Jerusalem.
Nearly 830 years ago in the 12th century AD, the Muslim forces of Saladin conquered the horns of Hattin, defeating the Crusaders after a long and fierce battle and putting an end to the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
Saladin's army captured or killed the majority of the Crusader forces and as a result became the leading power in the Holy Land, re-conquering Jerusalem and other cities previously held by the Crusaders.
These defeats led to the Third Crusade which began two years after the Battle of Hatin.
But for those who attended the historical re-enactment near the northern Israeli city of Tiberius, this event is not just history.

Genadiy Nizhnik, the head of the historical reconstruction club in charge of the commemoration explained the significance to i24news.
“You can say it was the last three days in the history of an entire country which was here in Israel in the 12th century," he said.
"This story is also very much attached to the landscape, to roads, so it’s a combination of the two. Why we are attracted to mediaeval times? I suppose it was a magical era,” he added.
Dozens of history buffs came from Israel and abroad to celebrate and commemorate the Battle of the Horns of Hattin, one of the most iconic battles in the history of the region.
The participants, mostly of Russian background are holding this event for the sixth time.
According to the organizers it is a long and complicated operation, the preparations for which begin soon after the previous reenactment is completed.

Anna Stern, the coordinator for the historical reconstruction club, explained the breadth of preparation required for each reenactment, telling i24news that after historical sources have been studied the process of making costumes and procuring weapons and shields from abroad begins.
Historical reenactments are not typical in Israel but are widespread around the world.
“Quite often we find things we don’t know what they were used for, there's lots of examples where what we call experimental archeology that is actually living, gives us a great insight of what actually happened,” explains Dr Nicolas Slope, a battlefield expert who believes that reenactments such as this are a useful tool for historical study.
This year, however the reenactment also has a political aspect, following a government plan to destroy some of the area and build a Druze town at the site.
Fans and experts are not giving up and are ready for another battle of Hattin, this one to save an area which was untouched for nearly 2000 years.
Archaeologist Dr. Rafi Lewis, told i24news that it was not that he opposed the construction of the Druze city for 2500 families, but rather the location, with one participant in the reconstruction going as far as calling it a “national disgrace.”
Despite the political tension in Israel and the hot weather, this year’s participants seemed to enjoy the event.
But after the battle is finished, the struggle to save this unique area continues - this time with the Israeli authorities.
Uri Shapira is an i24news television reporter